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Belated Bosaso Stadium Soon to be a Reality

In about ten months from now, the city of Bosaso in the north eastern part of Somali will be the proud recipient of an ultramodern stadium.

In about ten months from now, the city of Bosaso in north eastern part of Somali will be the proud recipient of a stadium with 4000 covered seats, the latest generation of synthetic turf that allows for better evaluation of water, team dressing and press rooms, television studio, VIP chamber, officials room, restaurant, Olympic running tracks and a provision to handle at least seven sport disciplines.

The foundation stone of this multi-million dollar stadium was laid on April 6, 2019, by the president of the north-eastern Somali State of Puntland, Dr. Said Abdullahi Deni, in the presence of Somali Football Federation (SFF) vice president for regional development, Abdullahi Sheik and some top-ranking administrative, traditional and religious authorities.

While addressing those who came to witness the long-awaited dream, Somali Football Federation (SFF) vice president for regional development, Abdullahi Sheik said that the construction of the new stadium is expected to play a key role in the development of football in the region and mainly in the city, which is the most populated city and the commercial capital of the Puntland State of Somalia.

“The president of Puntland is a football-loving individual and with the help from him, I am sure we can do a lot to develop football in Somalia and particularly in the Puntland State,” Abdulahi Sheik told Somalia FA official portal.

On his side, the president of Puntland Dr. Said Abdullahi Deni, said it was a great pleasure for him to lay down the foundation stone for Bosaso city stadium adding that his administration is committed to football which he said is a game he loves more than any other sport.

“My love for football dates back to the years of my childhood and in my capacity as the president of Puntland, I am announcing that my administration is committed to supporting the country’s football,” said the president Abdullahi Deni.

Although many have been jubilating that at last Bosaso will soon benefit from a modern stadium, many have said the gesture is not only too late but also too small for a town made up of passionate football lovers.

The Bosaso Stadium will be the first ever modern sporting infrastructure of any kind to be constructed in the city and the northwest region as a whole since independence in 1960.

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