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Kiprop Maintains He’s Innocent Despite Ban

Banned former world champion Asbel Kiprop insists that he is innocent despite Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) finding him guilty of doping.

The three-time 1500M world champion was on Saturday banned for four years by the AIU after he was found guilty of using performance-enhancing, erythropoietin (EPO) after he tested positive for the substance in 2017.

He will be out of competitive athletics for the next four years but the 29-year old maintains he has been wrongly judged.

“The decision is not only a blow to me, but it is not good for the sport of athletics. I have been insisting that I did not dope,” he told AFP.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]”I will continue to maintain my innocence, even if this decision now means I will not be eligible to run again for the next four years. It’s sad that the world will believe that I am guilty of taking the performance-enhancing drugs and yet I have been at the forefront of fighting doping in the sport, “[/perfectpullquote]

he added.

Kiprop had earlier accused the anti-doping body officials of tampering with his sample after he allegedly refused to bribe them.

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