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Breaking: Two of Chairman Mellal’s Attackers Arrested

Two individuals suspected of being part of the 20 thugs who attacked club side JSK Kabylie’s Chairman Cherif Mellal, have been arrested.

Two individuals suspected of being part of the 20 thugs who attacked club side JSK Kabylie’s Chairman Cherif Mellal, have been arrested.

Identified as Mesbahi and Djamel Atek, the two purported attackers are helping police investigate Tuesday’s incident.

A manhunt for the remaining eighteen hoodlums believed to be at large has been announced by the Tizi Ouzou’s police department, using exclusive footages captured by the club’s CCTV cameras during the attack to help them in their hunt.

Up to twenty thugs on Tuesday stormed JSK Kabylie’s headquarters, situated in north-central Algeria, beating several employees.

The group, armed with knives and widgets, are reported to have particularly targeted Mellal leaving him covered in blood in what is strongly thought to be an unprovoked attack.

Hours following the unfortunate event, a picture went viral showing a bloodied Cherif in a suit covered in his own blood and what appeared to be a nasty cut on the head.

Talking in a press conference for the first time since the incident, the Kabylie boss believes he’s being targeted by “malicious people” after “cleaning the club of opportunists” since assuming the chairmanship role.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] “When I arrived at JSK, I made the decision to clean the club of opportunists and decided to put an end to old practices. My project is disturbing (to some) but I will not give up. I will continue my work to restore the club’s reputation.”   [/perfectpullquote]

“The authorities must react to the phenomenon of violence, which continues to grow at alarming proportions. Violence must be banned and this requires the efforts of all,” Mellal, with a bandage around the nose, said.

He continued: “Individuals have the right to have their own opinions, but JSK remains an apolitical club. We have always denounced violence and we are sticking to our principles.”

“I thank the fans who have worried for me and for the employees of the club. They united with us and strongly condemned this barbarous act. I call for calm and not to respond to provocation, our action will be peaceful and we will let justice do its job,” he said.

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