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Asbel Kiprop to Appeal Doping Ban

Asbel Kiprop has revealed that he will appeal the 4-year ban he was slapped with by the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) for doping.

Asbel Kiprop has revealed that he will appeal the 4-year ban he was slapped with by the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) for doping.

The AIU slapped the former 1500m world champion with a ban ten days ago after he tested positive for Erythropoietin (EPO) a banned performance-enhancing substance.

Kiprop has maintained his innocence whilst insisting that his sample was tampered with. He shocked many when he recently declared that he would seek justice using his gun for being framed. The police service promised to offer him counseling services and on Tuesday he met the new Inspector General of police, Hillary Mutyambai.

Speaking after the meeting, a visibly relieved athlete disclosed that he would appeal the ban.

“We are going to appeal. We were given 30 days (by the Athletes Integrity Unit) to lodge an appeal and I will be meeting my lawyer, Katwa Kigen, to draft a letter detailing our intentions to make an appeal,” he told the Star.

Kiprop further urged the government to support athletes who he feels have been wrongly banned due to doping allegations.

“I am also calling on the government to help me and other innocent athletes who have been wrongfully banned to prevent us from becoming prisoners of doping. If I had doped, I wouldn’t be like this (depressed), “he added.

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