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Sadio Mane: We Could Have Done Better

Sadio Mane says Senegal could have done better in their defeat to Algeria.

Sadio Mane says Senegal could have done better in their defeat to Algeria.

It required just a lone goal from African Cup champion Mohamed Youcef Belaili to seal all points in the bag for the Desert Foxes.

The 27-year-old Esperance de Tunis attacker arrived on time to control a speeding pass from the right flank to let fly a screamer in the 49th minute, his second international goal for the North Africans after the first in 2015.

The goal ensured Algeria’s passage to the round of 16 with six points at the top of the group.


Mane, who was making his cameo in this year’s Nation’s Cup having been ruled out in the Tanzania opener owing to card accumulation, is disenchanted over the game’s outcome.

“We should have done better. In the second half, we relaxed a little and they (the Algerians) scored the goal. We tried to push to the end, finally, we could not score,” the Liverpool forward told Senegalese TV RTS.

The Taranga Lions face Kenya 1st July in a must-win clash to be guaranteed of qualification.

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