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Racing Star Jeremy Wahome Embarks on Changing Lives in Kibera Community

The Formula 3 racer Jeremy Wahome has set out on transforming lives and has done so by constructing and stocking a library in Kibera. The Jeremy Wahome Racing (JWR) library is part of Wahome’s education program whose aim is to improve access and quality of education for students in need through support for learning materials and construction of school facilities.

During the library launch that took place in Kibera slum, Wahome said, “When I reflect on my journey to where I am today, I can trace it back to accessing racing information online. The availability of this resource enabled me to live out my passion. There are extraordinary opportunities available in this country and beyond which the youth can tap into to make a living and to harness their potential.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]“I would like to implore the Government, corporates and donors to contribute towards building better learning facilities in the country and particularly in low income communities,”[/perfectpullquote]

Wahome added.

It may be hard to believe that the Kenyan who was signed by BRDC Formula 4 outfit Chris Dittmann Racing only a year ago is the one that has embarked on a project of this magnitude.

Kibera Member of Parliament, Ken Okoth, who also attended the launch said, “It is always inspiring to see a successful young person, reinvesting in the community to better his peers. Wahome is a beacon of hope for the youth. On behalf of the people of Kibera, I would like to appreciate his contribution to this community, where the benefits of his investment will change many lives for the better.”

It may be only a start but the 18-year-old’s gesture has already shown his humanitarian nature and his desire to empower young people through providing better learning materials and facilities is a true testament of his belief in changing lives through education.

Feature Photo: Courtesy of Jeremy WahomeTwitter page @ jwahomeracing

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