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Carl Tundo Wins Season Opening KCB Guru Nanak Rally 2020

Carl Flash Tundo, navigated by Tim Jessop in a Mitsubishi Evo 10, led from start to finish to win the KCB Guru Nanak Rally.

Carl Flash Tundo, navigated by Tim Jessop in a Mitsubishi Evo 10, led from start to finish to win the KCB Guru Nanak Rally.

The five-time Safari Rally winner swept the ground with all his opponents to savour the 2020 KCB Kenya National Rally Championship series opener.

Baldev Singh Chager, also driving a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 10, finished second while Onkar Rai, in a Volkswagen Polo came third after struggling to navigate through the long stretches in Kajiado.

Veteran rally driver Ian Duncan came in fourth in his Nissan Patrol as Jasmeet Chana navigated by his brother Ravi came in the fifth place driving a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo10.

The event claimed quite a number of drivers as out of the 25 starters, only 14 survived the demanding course.

Speaking after the race, clerk of the course, Raju Chagger expressed delight at the way the race was organized.

“The rally went very smoothly and on time. There were no concerns or delays. There was a considerable retirement which shows the route was challenging,’’ he told Kenyan publication, Daily Nation.

The first leg of the championship also saw Ugandan drivers Yasin Nasser and Christakes Fitions competing in what marked the start of the newly-created East African Rally Championship.

Fitions, navigated by Rwandese Eric Nzamwita in a Mitsubishi Evo 10 finished seventh, closely followed by his fellow countryman in the 8th position.

The East Africa Rally Championship is supported by the Rwanda Automobile Club, Club Automobile du Burundi, Federation of Motorsports of Uganda, Kenya Motorsports Federation and Automobile Association of Tanzania.

Photo Credit: Standard Digital

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