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Ghanaian Footballer Who Thanked Both Wife and Girlfriend Denies Having an Affair

Ghanaian international footballer Mohammed Anas who recently thanked both the wife and girlfriend while receiving a man-of-the-match award, has denied having an extra-marital affair.

Despite his last attempt to clear the situation by claiming that his wife and his girlfriend are in fact the same person, the striker has since come up with a better, no matter how hilarious, explanation altogether.

The player who plies his trade in South Africa for Free States Stars speaking to the BBC, then clarified the vocabulary blunder saying he meant his daughter.

By “girlfriend,” you see, he meant “daughter.”

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]“My family knows that I call my daughter my girlfriend. That’s what I was talking about. I don’t have a girlfriend,”[/perfectpullquote]

he told the BBC.

“I love her so much. She’s given me two beautiful children. She is fine. She knows what kind of man I am, so I am not worried.” Anas who has been with his South African wife for seven years added.

In an interview video, Anas while receiving a Man-of-the-Match award said,

“Thank you very much for giving me this and I appreciate my fans, also my wife and my girlfriend.”

He was quick to correct himself saying he was sorry and he meant his wife but the many people that have viewed the viral video believe otherwise.

Asking about how he feels about people’s reactions, the striker calmly said,

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]”I’m famous now – people around the world know me,”[/perfectpullquote]

The video has been a hit now getting more than 250,000 views on different video sharing platforms not forgetting the different social media networks and for better or worse, Anas’ name will not be soon forgotten.



Featured photo: Ryan Wilkisky/BackpagePix

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